Monday, February 8, 2010

Holy Ovaries Batman

I've been on stims for 5 nights. Because of the weather and the weekend, today was my first monitoring appointment. I have 5 follicles larger than 10 on my right, and 2 larger than 10 on my left, and 20 smaller than 10 total. My estrogen level is right where it needs to be and it looks like we're still on track for a Saturday retrieval (crossing fingers).

For whatever reason, one of my gonal-f pens only had 5 needle tips in one box, and I still have medicine left over. Then, like a genius, I left the pen out overnight because I thought that meant I was done with that pen. Dope!


  1. Yay for lots and lots of eggies. Here's to good quality, good fertilization and a great transfer!

  2. That's great!!! I hope everything goes smoothly. When's your next monitoring appt?

  3. Wow, good news! Keep 'em coming, what can I say :-)))
