Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dream On Dreamer

In my dream last night my husband rolled over to wake me up and asked me if I though we were pregnant. I laughed and said "No, look!" I pulled the covers down to show him two eggs sitting on top of my tummy, not in my tummy. They weren't chicken eggs, but kind of looked like little chalky candies.

I haven't been sleeping solid again. I guess that can be expected with all the anxiousness I feel. I just hope I get to have happier dreams the next time I do sleep soundly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, wonder what the chalky candies represent in your subconscious?

    Hope you're sleeping soundly again soon.

  3. Don't put too much weight on dreams. They are just to keep you entertained at night. Sometimes they fail miserably and affect your entire day. I know 2ww is pure limbo, but you will get through it. As for no twinges - some women, me included, had no twinges during 2ww. I know it depends from case to case. But no twinges does not necessarily mean game over. Keep the faith.
    Rooting for you.
