Friday, March 19, 2010

Neither Here Nor There

My little peanut is still there. Heart beating. And we freaking graduated. I had no idea going in for my second sonogram meant that I was moving on to the ob. Crazy. Someone should have warned me!

Today I had my first appointment with the ob and she's amazing. Amazing. She said she understands that I've gotten a lot of hand holding along the way. So I get to have another sonogram in two weeks rather than waiting until my ten week appointment. She said that if I feel like anything is wrong I should come in everyday if I need to. Love.

Hearing every infertility journey along the way and reading all these women's stories helped give me the strength that I could make it this far. It showed me that this crazy science works. It showed me its a hard battle but that I could do it.

I feel like an outsider, an imposter. I am not the rosy faced and naive mother-to-be but I am not a battle-scarred infertile survivor either. Sure I had to go through ivf to get pregnant, but we started the process as soon as I had a feeling something was fundamentally wrong, less than a year after I stopped birth control. Then it worked on the first try. I know its early and I might sound incredibly naive to women who have been where I am and yet didn't get to take home a baby. I know things can still go wrong but today I am happy.

I feel bad for having an infertility blog when I cannot identify with all of the feelings that can come with an infertility blog. I have had despair, doubt and depression. I had to take multiple injections a day that burned and stung. We paid thousands of dollars to have what some women get for free after one too many mojitos. I am still taking three pills a day, suppositories three times a day, pelvic bedrest, etc. Yet, I still feel happy for other pregnant women regardless of what they did or didn't do to get there. I still feel hopeful that I can be an infertility urban legend and have a surprise bfp someday.

I just love what the blog world has done for me. You gave me hope.


  1. So glad you found an understanding OB and didn't have the culture shock some of us have experienced.

  2. Really nice to hear good news.
    Enjoy the ride - it is common place to say this, but it truly is like nothing you've ever imagined.

  3. Glad everything is still looking good!
