Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Panic at the Beta

So it was a slooow rise, 470. Ensue panic.

I asked my nurse about the slow rise and she says she isn't worried. She says they don't always double. This is normal. She tole me to schedule my next beta for Friday. She even went to say that I should plan on having an ultrasound the middle of next week.

Please please please let this be ok.


  1. I want to tell you it will be okay, but I don't have a crystal ball. You will be in my thoughts. ((Hugs))

  2. i have my fingers crossed for you. hugs.

  3. ((hugs)) I have my fingers crossed for you!

  4. Congratulations, my dear, and welcome to the land of constant worrying. I realised today that ever since the ttc started, worry has filled each moment of my life. I can't but imagine what it's been like for you.
    Things are so fragile, and you cannot control any of it. So try to enjoy every nice moment you get.

  5. My clinic just looks for a 60% rise, not doubling. And you hit that. Good luck at your beta tomorrow, wish I had something else I could say to ease your worries

  6. I hope you will be okay!!! thinking of you!


  7. Yeah, I would be worried, too. It isn't ideal, but it can still VERY much be okay. This happened to us, too, and what our RE said it probably was is that both embryos initially implanted, started putting out HCG, then one failed. We ended up with one healtyh baby who is now 18 months old. So, even though I know you WILL worry, just know that it isn't always a grim predictor.

  8. Praying everything will go okay for you today & you'll have a strong, high beta this next time! ((hugs))


  9. (Came to you from Stirrup Queens)
    With IVF, I know more people who had betas that didn't double than those who did, seriously. It's possible that both embies started off strong but one stalled out while the other is growing just fine in there. That will almost always cause a high beta that doesn't double. Hang in there!!!

    (FWIW, with my one successful pregnancy, I had a doubling time of 52 hours, which was the slowest doubling time in all seven of my pregnancies. That non-doubling beta is now 2-1/2 years old...)

  10. Prayers. Praise for a positive nurse.
