Monday, March 29, 2010

How do I hate thee, let me count the ways?

I hate thee to the depth and bredth and height of a 2" progesterone suppository. They are the bane of my existence at the moment, or three times a day every day for the last five weeks. I am grateful that I don't have the burning PIO injection, but I still hate them.

1. Its a $9 a day habit.
2. Bloat
3. Three times a day
4. Three more weeks
5. Panty liners don't cut it
6. High absorbency pads barely cut it.
7. No bleeding, but I have to wear a pad every freaking day. I feel like I am back in middle school.
8. It took me a pair of light colored wool pants to discover that the panty liners weren't cutting it. It looked like I wet my pants. Two weeks of work clothes with a lovely dark stain.
9. $60 dry cleaning bill.
10. I am going to blame my moody behavior on them too while I am at it.

8 weeks pregnant. I hope. That paranoia still creeps in there every day between my next sonogram. Only 11 suppositories until I get to see the bean again.


  1. I feel for you. All of the effective methods of Progesterone delivery stink!

    That paranoia - it doesn't go away. Just saying, if you were hoping it would, if you're like me, it doesn't. But I wish it would.

  2. I had to have 4 prgesterone pessaries a day till 16w, it's been 2 yrs and I still think it's coming out of me lol.

  3. i have these massive P-sups to stick up there twice a day so I totally get you, girl. It hasn't been too bad but like you, I'm counting down the packs (i have 2 packs and 4 more) until I'm told to stop taking them. Praying that our placentas start doing it's thang on it's own!!!
