Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Boom Boom Pow

Its our new theme song. For two nights I've been pumping myself full of lupron. It stings for a second, then a nice burning sensation for about thirty seconds. That's it. The funny thing is watching me stick myself with a needle helped my husband sleep better than he has in months.

On Monday, he came with me to the doctor and was in the exam room during the mock transfer. I am glad he was able to get a glimpse of all the tests I have been going through for months now. He needed a little eye opener and I like the pity. It was also nice to have another set of ears when we were given our instruction on meds, schedule, dos (take that trip before beta day, eat cheese) and donts (no running, no eliptical).

I am expecting my period to start this weekend. I usually have several days of spotting before. Should I be expecting a regular cycle while on lupron? I'm not sure if I should be prepared for better or worse or when I should be calling the doctor to start the next round of drugs.

Its great to be moving forward and working on our first cycle. I feel so empowered and positive that we are doing something. I am so very hopeful.

My moment of grace this week? Dancing in our new kitchen to some Harry Connick, Jr. It's something I'll remember when the lupron makes me want to give him some boom boom pow.


  1. And let the fun and games begin~

    Sending good follicle vibes your direction!

  2. I am rooting for you. Hoping you soon get the good news you are waiting for. ;-)

  3. Let the games begin! Good Luck, I've got my fingers crossed for you!
