Thursday, December 10, 2009

To Anonymous or Not to Anonymous, That is the Question.

Like so many other women fighting infertility with the controversial big guns/stirrups/stims blazing, I am fighting the question to write this blog anonymously. If I can’t tell all of my friends and family what we are going through, why should I tell you?

When we learned we were going to go down the path of the "Road-More-Taken-Than-Some-Would-Think," I read dozens of blogs to gain some insight from those of you who marched the path before me. I needed to see your face. See your child’s face. I wanted to know how old you were, what you did to get here, and see the proof in the Petri dish if not the playpen. To know I was not alone and so many women survive this process made the whole idea more possible.

I hate that I might be denying you that same assurance but right now that is the right thing to do for me, for my husband, and for my Petri dish. I might change my mind, but for now.

Ever yours,


  1. I think in general the rule is you need to do what you need to do. I used to blog somewhat more anonymously. I attached my full name to my blog about two years ago. It always needs to be in your comfort zone. This is YOUR space.

  2. I get it. I'm still anonymous, after a whole year of blogging. I find that being so allows me to be more honest and forthright about my struggles. I'm very open IRL about our TTC journey and will educate anyone who asks about all aspects of IVF and ART, so it's not that I'm embarrassed or anything about what we're going through. But, as you said, out of respect for my husband and our potential future children, an anonymous spot is a much "safer" outlet for me.

    Hoping that blogging brings you the clarity and peace it has for me and so many others.

